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Memorable Crappie Fishing Trip

By: Chuck Byrd,

It has been several years since I got time and opportunity to fish world famous Toledo Bend.  I had been hearing reports that big crappie (white perch) were being caught in 25 to 40 feet on brush piles.

I called on LIVIN-THE-DREAM guide service to take me out for a couple of days.  Boy, did they deliver.  This is a first-class operation and my guide was Josh who was pleasant to fish with.

The first day of fishing we caught 47 huge crappies and the second trip, although windy, we were able to catch quality fish (37).  Many were caught between 2 and 3 lbs.  That’s big crappie.


After cleaning, we had fresh fillets that night and was an excellent treat.  Josh, our guide, gave lots of pointers.  Once you get one crappie to bite, they go into a feeding frenzy and you are likely to catch many more.  Crappies look up to feed, so, not fishing too deep is critical.

Crappies like shade on bright sunlight days, so, fishing the shadow side of the boat is best.  The new trolling motors are something critical for guides.  Once you mark structure, like brush piles, the trolling motor will keep you on that spot with no effort needed by the guide.  Of course, that frees him to help his clients.  I know they are expensive, but for a guide on the water 250 plus days a year, they’re a must have.

All in all, it was nice to be back on Toledo Bend catching huge crappie. We had success on the following Mister Twister baits: Lil Bits, Teenys, Micro Shad, 2 ½ inch Sassy Shad, Vie Shiner.

And yes, bass fishing was fantastic!

MemorableCrappie-BigCrappieI also made it a point to stop in Toledo Town and Tackle and see a longtime friend I’ve worked with for many years, Mr. Glynn Carver.  “Mr. C,” as he is affectionately called, and I had a chance to sit down and talk about old times.  Although both of us are now up in years, we still remember all our times together.  I also got a chance to speak with his son Curt Carver who now runs all operations at Toledo Town and Tackle.  One comment Curt gave me was, “boy, there is a lot of snow on the mountain” referring to my gray hair.

You could not get another boat or vehicle in their parking lot.  There were lots of fishermen and long lines for fishing licenses.  Rattle Traps, chartreuse spinner baits, and early morning top water bites being a hot topic.  As the water heats up, switch to big worms on ledges and creeks.

For all you have heard about Toledo Bend, it’s true, 165,000 acres of prime fishing and recreation joy.  Water pool level is normally about 165 and is now running about 172.  So, lots of water this spring has pool levels a bit high.




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