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Bass Caught by Keith with Mister Twister 5" Comida in United States

Photo of Bass Caught by Keith with Mister Twister 5
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Fish Information

Fish: Bass, Largemouth

Size: 23

Lure Information

Lure: 5" Comida

Color: Watermelon/Red Flake

Angler Information

Angler: Keith Fuller

From: Lake Luzerne

Country: United States

My Story

First time Bass fishing for the year, fished for two hours in windy conditons and was only able to put one other bass in the boat, the wind calmed at 7:30pm. I moved out into deeper water and fished a weed bed using MisterTwisters Exude Comida with 14lb braided line. I casted to the deepest edge of the bed, the line straightened as soon as the Comida hit the bottom, the fight was on... she wrapped in the weeds, but I was able to put the boat over her and pull her out, took a couple quick pictures and released a healthy largemouth.
I've used your products all my life, because they work...

Catch Information

Caught at: Lake Luzerne


Country: United States

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